Coming Issues


Current Issues

Angel Spectrum Super Special

Angel Super Special!

The Angel Spectrum Super Special, a follow-up to the popular Buffy Super Special from 2002, will contain the first five seasons of Angel! Seasons 1-2 will be revised and updated from their original appearances in earlier editions of Spectrum. Seasons 3-5 will be all-new (seeing as how we never got around to doing them for our regular issues).

We're still working out the details, but we know already that this edition will be squarebound and over 100 pages. It's not yet available for online pre-ordering, but it will be as the publication date nears. Stay tuned!

After multiple delays, this edition has been removed from our schedule, but we hope to complete it one of these days!
Copies will be available for advance-order soon through our online store. After publication, they will also be available at comic book shops.

Win-Mill Productions
2904 Gene Lane
Arlington, TX 76010

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